Bourses Einstein de la Nasa
The Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship program, sponsored by NASA, awards Fellowships to recent Ph.D.’s (since January 1, 2007) in astronomy, physics, and related disciplines. Einstein Fellows hold their appointments at a Host Institution in the U.S., for research that is broadly related to the mission of the NASA Physics of the Cosmos program as addressed by any of the missions of this program. These include high energy astrophysics relevant to the Chandra, Fermi, XMM-Newton, and International X-ray Observatory (formerly Constellation-X) missions, cosmological investigations relevant to the Planck and JDEM missions, and gravitational astrophysics relevant to the LISA mission. This research can include new observations or archival studies with these missions as well as related theoretical studies and studies of sources from these missions at other wavelengths. The main criterion for proposal selection is the contribution of the proposed program of research to the scientific return of the Physics of the Cosmos missions. The Fellowship duration is three years (subject to review after the second year and to availability of funds from NASA).
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