Accomplishments of the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, 2000–2010

Accomplishments of the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, 2000–2010. Rep. New York: New York University, 2010. Print.

The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA), an initiative launched in 2000 by the Carnegie Corporation and other U.S. foundations, has published Accomplishments of the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, 2000–2010: Report on a Decade of Collaborative Foundation Investment. It analyses the individual and collective contributions made by all PHEA’s seven partner foundations to the improvement of higher education in nine African countries during the last decade.…tions/pub/340/

The report aims to capture the key accomplishments, summarize each foundation’s investments, and convey a sense of the contributions each foundation made to the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA). The Partnership, launched in 2000 and brought to a scheduled conclusion in 2010, was a response to trends of democratization, public policy reform, and the increasing participation of civil society organizations in a growing number of African countries.

September 2010

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