Appel à Candidatures — Schlumberger Foundation

Faculty for the Future – 2007 Communications Materials

Schlumberger Foundation is now in the fourth year of the Faculty for the Future program. Since inception, it has funded PhD or Post-Doc studies in science disciplines for 67 women from 25 countries.

We look forward to bringing more women academics in to the Faculty For The Future community this year. The program opens on September 15th and closes on November 30th.

We need your support to let potential candidates know about this opportunity. To this end, please find enclosed booklets to disseminate as effectively as possible.

The goal of Faculty For The Future is to support role models and facilitate gender balance in science and engineering faculties at key universities in emerging economies. Potential candidates would be typically finishing a Master’s or PhD program and may already be in junior faculty positions in their home country. They would be planning to pursue further study overseas, PhD or Post-Doc, to develop their academic careers with a view to teaching in their home countries. As teachers, they will contribute to the ultimate vision of the program which is the attracting of more talented young women into science and engineering careers.

For many women the biggest obstacle to overcome is obtaining funding to start their PhDs. This is why most of our Faculty for the Future grants focus on those critical first two years. After the first two years it is expected that the candidates will have proved their research worth and will have access to more conventional forms of funding or paid teaching assignments.

Candidates may come from a range of disciplines within engineering and the physical sciences[1]. The disciplines do not have to be directly relevant to the Schlumberger oilfield businesses as this is a long-term capacity-building initiative.

We would be pleased if you would introduce our program on your web site to inform potential candidates. You could use the text above and add a link to our web page,, where guidelines and application forms are available, and possibly give the opportunity to download our booklet that you will find attached to this message.

If you need additional materials, please don’t hesitate to contact Monica Messina or myself.

With kind regards

Johana Dunlop
Executive Director, Schlumberger Foundation

[1] Awards in biological sciences are limited


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