Sub-Saharan Africa Dissertation Internship Awards:

The goal of the program is to enhance the quality of the overseas education received by African graduate students enrolled in universities in the United States and Canada, and to maximize its relevance to the process of equitable and sustainable development in Africa. The program enables African doctoral candidates to return to africa to conduct dissertation research in association with a local university or research institution, thereby facilitating the transition to a productive professional upon return to Africa. The program is open to citizens of sub-sharan African nations who are enrolled in doctoral programs at universities in the United States and Canada. U.S. Permanent residents and Canadian landed immigrants are not eligible. The applicant must have completed all course work and qualifying examinations prior to receiving an award. The applicant is responsible for arranging affiliation with an institution in africa able to provide adequate supervision and research support in the student’s field of study. The awards are intended to cover the costs of conducting research in the field. the maximum is US$20,000. Inquiries may be directed to:
Africa Dissertation Internship Awards
The Rockefeller Foundation
P.O. Box 47543
Nairobi, Kenya

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