"Can Student Loans Improve Accessibility to Higher Educ

"Can Student Loans Improve Accessibility to Higher Education and Student Performance? An Impact Study of the Case of SOFES, Mexico"

A World Bank study co-authored by E.J.F. Canton of the Government of the Netherlands and Andreas Blom of the World Bank examines whether financial aid to students in tertiary education can contribute to human capital accumulation through two channels – increased enrollment and improved student performance. The authors analyze the quantitative importance of both channels in the context of a student loan program (SOFES) implemented at private universities in Mexico. Empirical results suggest that SOFES recipients show better academic performance than students without a credit from SOFES. However, the results cannot be interpreted as a purely causal impact of the student loan program, since the impacts also could reflect (self-) selection of students. Below is the link to the paper "Can Student Loans Improve Accessibility to Higher Education and Student Performance? An Impact Study of the Case of SOFES, Mexico"

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