Fellowships for Doctoral Studies

Fellowships for Doctoral Studies

Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BECA)
Scholarship Awards for Individual Research Fellows

Supported By:- The New Partnership For Africa’s Development (NEPAD)

Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) is pleased to announce scholarships for scientists from African countries, to train up to doctoral levels. Special attention being given to women scientists, young scientists and those from post conflict countries.

Background: – Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) is an initiative of The New Partnership for Africa’s Development’s (NEPAD) to implement centres for excellence to capture the immense potential of biological science to speed agricultural development on the African continent. BECA scholarships will provide support and professional recognition to innovators and especially to younger researchers whose work and ideas will have longer-term impact in contributing to Africa’s sustainable development.

The vision: – Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) is envisioned as a means for enabling African scientists and institutions to become significant technological innovators as well as users. It will be part of a network of centers for excellence in biosciences serving each region of Africa. Their remit is to enable African scientists to undertake cutting-edge bioscience research targeted at priorities identified in the region by Africa’s national research systems (NRS), including its universities and research organizations, as well as the regional priorities expressed by, other institutions such as the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), the East African Community (EAC), the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

The Mission: To improve the livelihoods of resource poor people in Africa through the development and use of new technologies and strategies for sustaining agricultural production, improving human health and conserving the environment.


BECA Doctoral Awards: – Applications are invited for a 3-year training fellowship tenable at the BecA hub, located on the campus of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in Nairobi, Kenya. In 2005 it is envisaged that the PhD fellowships will be awarded, in one or more of the following areas:-

Tapping crop biodiversity in eastern and central Africa
Requirements: MSc in molecular biology. Background in plant sciences desirable.

Requirements: MSc in bioinformatics. Background in animal, plant or microbiology desirable.

Candidates should indicate their interest in either of the above areas. Details of their thesis project will be worked out with the successful candidates after the award of the PhD fellowship.

Awards: – A successful applicant will receive a stipend that covers for living expenses, plus tuition, laboratory, field work, stationery and other travel costs).

Eligibility Overview: Open to citizens from countries of eastern and central Africa and who are in possession of legal verification of such status at the time of the award. Applicants must have received, as of the activation date of the award, a Bachelor’s and MSc degree and must be eligible for enrollment in research programs leading to a doctorate degree such as the PhD. Applicants must have completed their comprehensive examinations or the equivalent by the time of the award.

Further Information

BECA core competencies: – Details of BecA’s program are available on this website, as a guide for the areas of core competencies, and BecA’s program goals.

Grant Application guidelines:

BECA’s screening process is open, transparent, and competitive. Potential fellowship candidate screening mechanisms will involve institutional screening, BecA-SAC screening while maintaining regional /gender balance in the selection process. Special attention is being paid to women candidates and candidates from post conflict countries.


3 Letters of reference (to include evaluator’s name, position, title address, telephone number and e-mail address)

Academic credentials and testimonials

A Letter of confirmation of employment in the home country institutions

A letter of commitment to return to work at the home institution at the end of the Research Study.

Application Deadline: – Application forms should be returned not later than 30 June 2005
Application Process:- Applicants are required to download the application form (Word doc.) from here.
Contact Information:-

Mildred Okoth
BecA Program Assistant
Biosciences east and central Africa (BecA)
International Livestock Research Institute
ILRI Campus
P.O.Box 30709, 00100
Email [email protected]
Source : http://www.biosciencesafrica.org/fellowships.htm

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