I am looking for a sponsorship

I am a Graduate student at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. I have just been selected as an Iacocca Intern for the Iacocca Institute’s Global Village for the Future Leaders of Business and Industry http://www.iacocca-lehigh.org/globalvillage taking place between June 26 and August 6 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

Here is my request: Do you know any organization which could help in offerin[Winnie Kunene] Th g me some form of sponsorship (the tuition fee for the program is $6500 out of which I still need to raise $3500 + the cost of a return ticket between Cape Town, South Africa and Pennsylvania, USA). Furthermore there will be Country Presentation forums – which top executives of US Fortune 500 companies – at which the tourism and investment (property, financial services, telecoms, etc) potentials of countries from around the globe will be showcased.

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