Job – Feeling trapped in your Career?

Feeling trapped in your Career?

Book a session with ReConnect Africa Career Services Career Coach for face-to-face or telephone coaching to:
Change your career
Improve your interview skills
Create a high impact CV
Target employers in the UK
Find a job in Africa

ReConnect Africa Career Services
Are you in the wrong job and not sure how to make a change?
Have you graduated and still not found the right start to your career?
Is your career at a standstill? Need advice about getting it back on track?
Are you ready to make the transition to Africa but don’t know where to start?

ReConnect Africa offers career guidance and career coaching services to help you review your career and navigate your way to a successful professional future. Through individual sessions with an experienced career coach, we can help you to focus on your strengths, plan your future and market yourself effectively into the right job.


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