The Objective

To recruit non French resident talented researchers for 2 years (incoming mobility)

2 types of research profiles are possible : juniors (20) and seniors (6)

A junior researcher is a non French resident scientist or scholar with above-average qualifications, at the beginning of his/her academic career who has completed his/her doctorate within the last 6 years. (career breaks duly justified to be excluded)

A senior researcher is a non French resident active researcher having a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which must be presented in the application. Leaders justifying original and significant research contributions are foreseen.


The Framework

The Rbuce-UP Project follows the European Marie Curie actions principles and as such have a bottom-up approach, i.e. research fields are chosen freely by applicants.

All scientific disciplines are possible as long as they match the activity of a host laboratory participating in the RBUCE-UP project and fall under the domains of research and technological development addressed by the European Union Treaties (except areas of research covered by the EURATOM Treaty).


To note as regard ethical issues

If your scientific project involves ethical issues (see Ethical Checklist), please note that all proper authorizations by the local/national ethical committees or competent authorities shall be provided to UniverSud Paris together with the application form or at the latest by the publication of the list of selected candidates/proposals which will take place end of June 2012.

Failure by the applicant to provide said authorizations within this delay will be deemed as not accepting the fellowship. Please note that this may imply for candidates and laboratories to file their applications for approval or authorisation before local/national ethical committees well in advance and possibly before answering to the RBUCE-UP call for applicants.

Please note that restrictions apply to certain activities (as they involve prior approval of the research project by REA (Research Executive Agency of the European Commission). The activities on which restrictions apply are the following:

– The use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)

– Interventions on Human beings

– The use of non Human primates

– dual use

The ethical checklist must be filled in and signed both by the candidate and the director of the Host laboratory. This requires time and you are encouraged to start the answering process well in advance before the deadline.


Distribution of recruitments by scientific field

An indicative breakdown by scientific fields of the 26 fellows to be recruited through the 2 open calls  should be as follows :

– Physical sciences and engineering : 45%

– Life sciences : 30%

– Social Sciences and Humanities : 15%

– Multidisciplinary Projects : 10% (aimed at obtaining 20% of selected projects in Social Sciences and Humanities).



Recruitments are organized through 2 open calls in 2011 and 2012. UniverSud Paris organizes the calls and the selection procedures.

Recruitments will be done by the host organizations (Université Paris Sud, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université of Evry-Val-d’Essonne, ENS Cachan or Ecole Centrale de Paris). The recruitor will be the host organization who is the legal representative of the host laboratory, participating in the RBUCE-UP project, and chosen by the applicant.


Second call

The second call for applicants is open from January 1st, 2012 until March 31st, 2012.

It requires prior electronic registration of the candidates at the latest on March 21st, 2012.

The number and type of fellow positions open per host organization during the second call are the following:

– Université Paris-Sud : 4 Juniors

– Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines : 2 juniors

– Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne : 2 seniors et 3 juniors

– ENS Cachan : 1 junior

– Ecole Centrale de Paris : 2 juniors

A commitment letter of the Host laboratory contersigned by the Host organization must be included in your application form. This requires time to obtained it and you are highly encourage to start the commitment letter process well in advance.


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