A party in the weekend
by Sety Noah Tekeu

Intro music plays
Noah: Hello and welcome to the first episode of A Day In The Life of Noah. With limited vocabulary, I will be telling you the several activities that I do during the day as a high school student
Noah: Episode 1, a conversation in a party
Noah: As I went to the party located in one of my friend’s house, I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of commotion coming from the house, I assumed I was early
Noah: When I got into the house, I found that my theory was right; it seemed that almost no one was present at the party
In the house was an old friend of mine who was the host for this party. As a way to greet him in an informal way, I “dapped him up”.
While I was there, I helped him prepare for the party, as he wasn’t completely ready for the party. I set up the drinks, snacks, and I even offered to go to the door to greet the people that came in
As the minutes went by, more people were arriving to the house, and each one of them were first greeted by me when they came to the door
It remained like that for a good ten minutes. However I was able to hug some of my old friends. “It has been so long” I said, relieved to see that they haven’t changed after middle school.
As the crowd became larger, and less people became showing up at the door, I excused myself from my position and looked for my main friend group
Inside, everyone was settling in. They were partying, playing games, and overall, having a good time.
Noah: I was going to party with them, but that is when I saw my friend group, playing on a video game in the living room. I went to greet them.
Noah “Whats up” I said, “Nothing, how about you?” One of my friends asked. “Im good” I said.
Noah: They proceeded to invite me to a game of Call of Duty, a very popular game in America. Feeling very competitive, I accepted the offer.
Noah: It was a very close game, with a lot of trash talking, but I eventually won it. After the game, my friend group and I went on to talk to other people in the party about topics ranging from what was going on in school, to playing games like truth or dare, or monopoly
Noah: Eventually, as the night emerged, we all said goodbye to one another as we all went home and prepared for school after the weekend
“What’s up” est une salutation informelle, une expression couramment utilisée, issue des mots “what is up”, une façon de demander ce qui se passe. Cette phrase remonte au début du XIXème siècle, dans les œuvres anglaises. Depuis lors, des itérations ultérieures ont évolué à partir de la formulation de la phrase originale. En outre, le terme a été popularisé lorsqu’il a été utilisé par Bugs Bunny dans un show américain, en utilisant le terme comme signature de salutation. Le terme a également fait son apparition dans des spots publicitaires et également dans Scary Movie, où une scène entière a été consacrée à la phrase. C’est un terme très populaire en Amérique et dans la culture pop en général et il est utilisé comme salutation et comme question rhétorique.
“It has been so long” est une expression utilisée pour souligner que quelque chose n’avait pas eu lieu depuis une certaine durée. Lorsque vous répondez par “I’m good”, vous sous-entendez que les événements qui se sont produits dans votre vie ont eu un bon résultat, et qu’il y a très peu de problèmes dans votre vie.
“How about you?” est une expression utilisée pour poser une question à quelqu’un après qu’il vous ait posé une question.